Omega Counselling

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The “storytelling” aspect of counselling

In the first session (and even subsequent sessions after this) it’s normal to feel like you’re simply “storytelling” and repeating events, situations and feelings. 

You might even feel like you’ve talked at your therapist, with them saying very little. In this case, it’s very easy to think “all I’ve done is talk but I don’t feel any better, so counselling isn’t working”.

Again, this is a totally normal part of the counselling journey. Initially, you’re catching the counsellor up on your life and your story. You’re trying to establish a level of trust with each other. You may not be used to having a safe space dedicated to you. The counsellor might be quiet and let you tell your story as they piece ideas or themes together before they share them with you. 

Whatever the reason, storytelling is a key part in understanding your experiences and who you are as a person.